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What Students Are Saying About the Course
“This course challenged me not only in terms of my language abilities, but the way in which I look at the world. I feel confident that if I visited a Spanish-speaking country, I would be able to survive off of my Spanish knowledge.”
– Amanda D.
“I feel like my confidence improved not only in my speaking abilities but also in the topics I was actually speaking about. It was a really fun class to take just to enjoy the process and see the progress I've made.”
– Dylan B.
“I enjoyed using my Spanish to learn about different cultures from countries around the world. I really liked that we learned both about other places as well as more Spanish, which makes me feel like a better global citizen.”
– Alex H.
I’ll prepare you for your next adventure.
Speaking Spanish has been my passport that has taken me outside the borders of my ordinary existence and to the most unforgettable experiences of my life.

My mission is to build your confidence and expand your horizons.
– Lily Barcelona
Lily O. Barcelona, B.A., M.A.